Monday, December 13, 2010

baby it's COLD outside!!!

Wow! I can't believe Christmas is only 12 days away! We have been very busy, but this week slows down a bit for us. I have SO many handmade Christmas gifts I am working on. A few for Noah and my nieces that I am so excited to show once I finish! 
Today I decided it's way too cold to go anywhere, and I don't feel like cleaning my house at all. So we were staying in our PJ's and doing fun things indoors. We started off the morning playing cars, Noah's absolute favorite thing to do. He is obsessed with matchbox cars, trucks, airplanes and any "vehicle" basically! You should ask him sometime to say bulldozer, it it the cutest word he says! I then decided I wanted to do a craft of some sort with him, but didn't have any great supplies to do anything extravagant. I really want to make this snowman with him this week that my friend Jennifer did with her son, but amazingly, I have no beads or buttons to decorate him with. So it's on the list to get tmrw! So instead I decided to do a make-shift, last minute thing with him.
I drew a Christmas tree for him on green paper, (btw I just realized I am a horrible drawer!).

 I let him color on it for a minutes. Then I just cut out a few circles on my Cricut for ornaments, and a star for the tree, and let him glue them on wherever he wanted.
He decided the star did not need to go on top of the tree, but an ornament did! I also let him smear on some sparkle paint hoping it would look like snow, but you can't really see it too well. We had fun doing this together! He loved that I let him do everything himself, he kept saying, "I did it!".

This is his cheesy, silly smile. That's what I get when I ask him to smile for the camera.

He is now curled up on the couch, winding down watching Santa Paws, (cute Christmas movie btw) and hopefully will take a nice long nap so I can actually clean up my house!

And here is the little lady, being a perfect angel!

Do you have any fun Christmas projects you are working on with your kiddos??


  1. I haven't started on any of the ideas yet that the girls shared with me (or the few 'easy' ones in my head) but I hope to SOON! i really, really really wanted to have a Birthday Party for Jesus and invite all the little kids from church over...maybe this week? I thought we could decorate cookies & then eat them too of course :-) Nothing fancy or time consuming since everyone is so busy...maybe for just an hour. What do you think?
